Member since 23 Apr 2018Nondeterministic code generator with interests in retro computers, biology, history and space.
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djbaskin - I felt spammy trying...
I felt spammy trying to hire people on the internet. So I’m trying a different recruiting...
GitHub - KilledByAPixel/JSONCrush: Compress JSON into URI friendly strings with JSCrush
Compress JSON into URI friendly strings with JSCrush
dreikanter/ruby-bookmarks: Ruby and Ruby on Rails bookmarks collection
Ruby and Ruby on Rails bookmarks collection
ChromeDevTools - Emulate `prefers-color-scheme: dark` from...
Emulate `prefers-color-scheme: dark` from DevTools either from the Rendering drawer, or from the Command Menu (Ctrl/Cmd...
eth0izzle/shhgit: Ah shhgit! Find GitHub secrets in real time
Ah shhgit! Find GitHub secrets in real time
mattbrictson/tomo: A friendly CLI for deploying Rails apps ✨
A friendly CLI for deploying Rails apps ✨
📰 Sequential-art comic-strip generator written in Ruby which uses RMagick (2005)