Member since 23 Apr 2018Nondeterministic code generator with interests in retro computers, biology, history and space.
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Resources for learning about MRI Ruby's internal C source code
Resources for learning about MRI Ruby's internal C source code
baweaver/qo: Qo - Query Object - Pattern matching and fluent querying in Ruby
Qo - Query Object - Pattern matching and fluent querying in Ruby
am-kantox/dry-behaviour: Tiny library inspired by Elixir protocol pattern.
Tiny library inspired by Elixir protocol pattern.
A Rails Engine that generates a page transition diagram for your Rails app from request specs
prisma/prisma: ⚡️ Prisma turns your database into a realtime GraphQL API
Prisma turns your database into a realtime GraphQL API
bors-ng/bors-ng: 👁 A merge bot for GitHub Pull Requests
A merge bot for GitHub Pull Requests
Nebo15/annon.api: Configurable API gateway that acts as a reverse proxy with a plugin system.
Configurable API gateway that acts as a reverse proxy with a plugin system.