~golangweekly | Issue 532 - A Go-powered MIDI sequencer (10)
Mailpit: Go-Powered Email and SMTP Testing Tool — A small, fast, efficient and zero-dependency email testing...
GoLand 2024.3 Is Out! | The GoLand Blog
GoLand 2024.3 Released — The popular (commercial) Go IDE gets its latest big update with multiline...
Understanding command injection vulnerabilities in Go | Snyk
Understanding Command Injection Vulnerabilities in Go — If you’re calling out to system utilities from your...
Developing a Terminal App in Go with Bubble Tea
▶ Developing a Terminal App in Go with Bubble Tea — A well produced 50-minute screencast walking...
Go sync.Once is Simple... Does It Really?
Go sync.Once is Simple, But How Does It Work? — “The sync.Once is probably the easiest...
Hyrum's Law in Golang / Abenezer Belachew
Encountering Hyrum's Law in Go — When the author encountered an intriguing comment in Go’s codebase...
GitHub - nektos/act: Run your GitHub Actions locally 🚀
Act: Run Your GitHub Actions Locally — Run act and it looks at your repo’s GitHub...
Introduction - Git Town 16.6
Git Town: Extra Commands for More Structured Git Usage — Provides additional git commands to automate...
GitHub - orisano/gosax: Go library for XML SAX (Simple API for XML) parsing
gosax: Libary for XML SAX (Simple API for XML) Parsing — A read-only XML parsing library...