~golangweekly | Issue 533 - What's coming in Go 1.24 (10)
GoMLX: ML in Go without Python - Eli Bendersky's website
GoMLX: ML in Go without Python — Eli recently wrote about Go’s suitability as a glue...
What's coming in Go 1.24
📊 What's Coming in Go 1.24 — A 52-slide deck that goes through language, tooling, and...
Ardan Labs Consulting
Go! Unlock Your Tech Potential with Ardan Labs Consulting — Struggling with skill gaps, development speed...
Are Golang Generics Simple or Incomplete? A Design Study
Are Go's Generics Simple or Incomplete? A Design Study — Some argue that Go’s generic implementation...
WASI to Go: Write Once, Go Anywhere - Jiaxiao Zhou, Microsoft & Randy Reddig, Fastly
▶ WASI to Go: Write Once, Go Anywhere — A talk from the recent WASMCon event exploring...
Inside Bluesky’s Engineering Culture
Inside Bluesky’s Engineering Culture — A writeup from May 2024 that’s perhaps become more relevant with...
superfile | terminal-based file manager
superfile: A Terminal-Based File Manager App — Built with Go and Bubble Tea, it combines a...
GitHub - dbohdan/recur: Retry a command with exponential backoff and jitter (+ Starlark expressions)
♻︎ recur: Retry a Command with Exponential Backoff and Jitter — A Go-powered command line tool for...
GitHub - anishathalye/porcupine: A fast linearizability checker written in Go 🔎
Porcupine 1.0: A Fast Linearizability Checker — You write a spec for a system in Go,...
GitHub - charmbracelet/sequin: Human-readable ANSI sequences 🪩
Sequin: Human-Readable ANSI Sequences — The latest work from the folks at Charm (well known for...