~lobsters | Bookmarks (1978)
Objective-C is just, like, a leaky abstraction over C
Recently I came across this 10 year old post by Robert Atkins: Objective C is like...
Chris's Wiki :: blog/programming/GoAndFunctionKeywordArguments
I recently read An unordered list of things I miss in Go (via). One of those...
VS Code Obsolescence
2024.08.20 by Josh Erb; 552 words. For the first time in a while, my development machine...
A Promise Without a Remedy: The Supposed Incompatibility of the GPL v2 and Apache v2 Licenses
Abstract: License “incompatibility” in free and open source software licensing means that, when two differently licensed...
Inside the guidance system and computer of the Minuteman III nuclear missile
The Minuteman missile was introduced in 1962 as a key part of America's nuclear deterrent. The...
Pragmatic Category Theory | Part 2: Composing Semigroups
You'll notice the following Functional Programming pattern many times: You define trivial fundamental blocks. You define...
Replacing Twitter Embeds With Images
I logged into Twitter using a fresh account last week. No followers, no preferences set. The...
Quick bits: Go automatically downloads a newer toolchain if needed — kokada
I am using elliotchance/orderedmap as my choice of ordered maps (since Go doesn't have one in...