Episode #226: PySheets: Spreadsheets in the Browser Using PyScript – The Real Python Podcast
PySheets: Spreadsheets in the Browser Using PyScript What goes into building a spreadsheet application in Python...
Adding keyboard shortcuts to the Python REPL
Adding Keyboard Shortcuts to the Python REPL Python 3.13 included a new version of the REPL...
Temporal Platform on the Cloud
Tired of Being Paged? Worry Less With Temporal Say goodbye to managing failures, network outages, flaky...
Running a million empty tests
Running a Million Empty Tests To better understand just where the performance cost of running tests...
PEP 756 – Add PyUnicode_Export() and PyUnicode_Import() C functions | peps.python.org
PEP 756: Add PyUnicode_Export() and PyUnicode_Import() C Functions (Withdrawn) PSF
PEP 569 – Python 3.8 Release Schedule | peps.python.org
Python 3.8 Reaches End of Life PYTHON.ORG
Single and Double Underscores in Python Names Quiz – Real Python
Quiz: Single and Double Underscores in Python Names REAL PYTHON
Getting Started With Async Features in Python Quiz – Real Python
Quiz: Getting Started With Async Features in Python REAL PYTHON
Thinking of Rewriting Our Go / Java API in Python
Thinking of Rewriting Our Go / Java API in Python REDDIT
Python PGP proposal poses packaging puzzles [LWN.net]
Move to Sigstore Complicates Linux Distros Currently, CPython signs its artifacts with both PGP and Sigstore....
Python's Magic Methods in Classes – Real Python
Python’s Magic Methods in Classes In this video course, you’ll learn what magic methods are in...
Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: Introducing Guardrails Pro. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar.
[Webinar] How to Build Secure, Ethical, and Scalable AI Operations As GenAI and LLMs rapidly evolve,...
Make It Ephemeral: Software Should Decay and Lose Data
Make It Ephemeral: Software Should Decay and Lose Data In the real world, things decay over...
What's up Python? 3.13 is out, t-strings look awesome, dep groups come in handy...
Python 3.13, t-Strings, Dep Groups… Bite code! does their monthly Python news wrap-up. Check out stories...
Facings product identifier using YOLOv8 and image embeddings
Identifying Products From Images This project uses computer vision solution to automate doing inventory of products...
Write more pythonic code with context managers
Write More Pythonic Code With Context Managers Context managers enable you to create “template” code with...
It's our 10th birthday!
Django Girls 10th Birthday! This post celebrating ten years of Django Girls talks about how it...
TIL 105 – pytest selection arguments for failing tests
pytest Selection Arguments for Failing Tests This quick TIL post talks about five useful pytest options...
Asyncio gather() Return Values - Super Fast Python
Asyncio gather() Return Values This post shows you how to return values from coroutines that have...
PyBay 2024
PyBay 2024 This list contains the recorded talks from the PyBay 2024 conference. YOUTUBE video
GitHub - benrutter/wimsey: Easy and flexible data contracts
wimsey: Data Contract Library GITHUB.COM/BENRUTTER
GitHub - bcmi/libcom: Image composition toolbox: everything you want to know about image composition or object insertion
libcom: Image Composition Toolbox GITHUB.COM/BCMI
GitHub - kennethreitz/simplemind: Python API client for AI providers that intends to replace LangChain and LangGraph for most common use cases.
simplemind: Experimental Client for AI Providers GITHUB.COM/KENNETHREITZ
PyChrono: Multi-Physics Simulation in Python - Cristiano Pizzamiglio
PyChrono: Multi-Physics Simulation in Python CRISTIANOPIZZAMIGLIO.COM • Shared by Cristiano Pizzamiglio
GitHub - capjamesg/jamesql: An in-memory NoSQL database implemented in Python.
jamesql: In-Memory NoSQL Database in Python GITHUB.COM/CAPJAMESG