~reactstatus | Issue 411 - How React fared in 2024 (8)
React Router SDK Beta
Introducing Authentication Support for React Router — Clerk announces beta support for React Router, including pre-built UI...
How to start a React Project in 2024
1. How to Start a React Project in 2024 — It seems appropriate we started out 2024...
React Summit 2024: Why Use Redux Today?
3. Why Use Redux Today? — The maintainer of the popular Redux state management library gave a...
Enhancing The New York Times Web Performance with React 18
4. Enhancing The New York Times' Web Performance with React 18 — Late in 2023, the team...
GitHub - alan2207/bulletproof-react: 🛡️ ⚛️ A simple, scalable, and powerful architecture for building production ready React applications.
6. Bulletproof React: A Scalable Architecture for Production Apps — A popular opinionated guide to how you...
Functional UI Kit
2. Functional UI Kit: A Unified Figma and React UI Component Kit — Despite many attempts, it...
3. MistCSS: Build Components with Just CSS — Forget about CSS-in-JS, what about JS-from-CSS? This approach provided...
GitHub - measuredco/puck: The visual editor for React
5. Puck: A Self-Hosted Drag-and-Drop Editor for React — Sitting somewhere between an old-school WYSIWYG-powered CMS and...