~reactstatus | Issue 414 - Terminal aesthetics for React apps (9)
SRCL: Build React Apps with 'Terminal Aesthetics' — The homepage is a live demonstration of what...
Storybook 8.5
Storybook 8.5: The UI Component Building and Testing Workshop — Storybook can now run realtime Axe...
React Image Editor, Powered by Pintura SDK
Plug & Play Image Editor For Your React App — Save yourself the headache of building...
React Native 0.77 - New Styling Features, Android’s 16KB page support, Swift Template · React Native
React Native 0.77 Now with New Styling Capabilities — Now that the New Architecture is here,...
Picking a state management library for a React app used by millions (and why we went with MobX)
Picking a State Management Library for a Popular React App — .. and why we went...
Reanimated 4 is new, but also very familiar
Reanimated 4: New, But Also Very Familiar.. — Software Mansion has released the first beta of...
Release v0.18.0 · measuredco/puck
Puck 0.18: A Self-Hosted Visual Editor for React — Now includes a new drag-and-drop engine with...
React Router SDK Beta
Add Authentication to Your React Router Application in Minutes — Clerk's latest SDK comes fully equipped...
GitHub - ruilisi/fortune-sheet: A drop-in javascript spreadsheet library that provides rich features like Excel and Google Sheets
FortuneSheet 1.0: React-Powered Spreadsheet Control — v1.0 switches to a much faster underlying formula parsing and...