~javascriptweekly | Issue 722 - Oracle dabbles in some JavaScript comedy (16)
Dance_to_the_rhythm.mod | Dittytoy
A Protracker Module Player in Pure JavaScript — I’m a sucker for 90s tracker music, JavaScript...
Oracle justified its JavaScript trademark with Node.js—now it wants that ignored
Oracle Claims 'JavaScript' Isn't a Generic Term, and More — In this 'motion to dismiss' Oracle...
There are a lot of ways to break up long tasks in JavaScript.
There Are a Lot of Ways to Break Up Long Tasks in JavaScript — Due to...
Sentry's Pinia Integration for Vue and Nuxt Error Tracking
Debugging Shopping Cart Issues Faster — Vue/Nuxt devs: Get full insight into your shopping cart errors!...
Angular: The Documentary | An origin story
▶ Angular: The Documentary — From the creators of the fantastic ▶️ Node.js and ▶️ Ruby on Rails documentaries...
Which rich text editor framework should you choose in 2025? | Liveblocks Blog
Which Rich Text Editor Framework Should You Choose in 2025? — A round-up of actively developed...
Tutorial: publishing ESM-based npm packages with TypeScript
How to Publish ESM-Based npm Packages with TypeScript — Now that you can use the ES...
JavaScript Error Tracking | Datadog
Locate and Resolve JavaScript Errors Instantly with Datadog — Troubleshoot frontend JavaScript errors faster with frontend...
Intro to Wasm in Deno
An Introduction to WebAssembly in Deno — How to build a simple WASM module and use...
Vite with TypeScript
Vite with TypeScript — If you’ve created a JavaScript-based React project with Vite and want to...
GitHub - le0pard/re2js: RE2JS is the JavaScript port of RE2, a regular expression engine that provides linear time matching
RE2JS 1.0: Linear Time Matching for Regular Expressions — RE2 is a regular expression engine built...
Fuse.js | Fuse.js
Fuse.js 7.1: Lightweight Fuzzy-Search with No Dependencies — Want a simple search feature without a dedicated...
🎨 tinygradient 2.0: A Gradient Generation Library — Generate color gradients with an unlimited number of color...
GitHub - jkroso/parse-duration: convert a human readable duration to ms
parse-duration 2.0: Convert a Human Readable Duration to Milliseconds — You might wonder why a library...
Waveform Renderer
Waveform Renderer — Quickly create a visual waveform from a MP3 or WAV — you can...
WorkOS — Your app, Enterprise Ready.
WorkOS: Sell to Enterprises with a Few Lines of Code — The modern identity platform for...