~postgresweekly | Bookmarks (121)
Postgres in the time of monster hardware
Postgres in the Time of Monster Hardware — You might think your M4 Max is pretty...
Expanding pgai Vectorizer: SQLAlchemy and LiteLLM Make Vector Search Simple
Expanding pgai Vectorizer — pgai is Timescale’s suite of tools for making it easier to use...
Incremental Archival from Postgres to Parquet for Analytics | Crunchy Data Blog
Incremental Archival from Postgres to Parquet — Crunchy Data’s pg_parquet and pg_incremental extensions can be used...
Richard Towers | Representing graphs in Postgresql
Representing Graphs in Postgres — Postgres isn’t a graph database, but you can emulate the concepts...
PostgreSQL 18: Virtual generated columns
A Look at Virtual Generated Columns in Postgres 18 — Postgres 18 is gaining the ability...
Postgres Is
A PostgreSQL Compatibility Index to Compare Implementations — Postgres has found itself in an envious, though...
PostgreSQL 17.3, 16.7, 15.11, 14.16, and 13.19 Released!
PostgreSQL 17.3, 16.7, 15.11, 14.16, and 13.19 Released — A raft of updates to all maintained...
Dealing with the PostgreSQL error "found xmin ... from before relfrozenxid ..."
Dealing With "found xmin ... from before relfrozenxid" — A look into a commonly reported error with...
Scaling with PostgreSQL without boiling the ocean
Scaling Postgres without Boiling the Ocean — Postgres scales pretty far out of the box with...
How about trailing commas in SQL?
How About Trailing Commas in SQL? — Could this be the simplest yet most requested SQL...
Fully Managed PostgreSQL as a Service | Heroku
Find Your Flow with Heroku Postgres — The world’s most advanced open source database is easier...
Distribute PostgreSQL 17 with Citus 13
Citus 13: Now with Postgres 17 Support — Citus is a long standing open source extension...
GitHub - orf/locksmith: Detect SQL migration issues quickly and easily
Locksmith: Detect SQL Migration Issues Quickly — A new Rust-powered tool to detect table locks, table...
pgroll 0.9.0: New Schema Migration Features for Postgres | pgroll
pgroll 0.9.0 Released with New Schema Migration Features — pgroll is a tool for performing reversible...
Release v0.1.4: 400 PG Extensions · pgsty/pig
Pig v0.1.4: Now with 400 Postgres Extensions — Pig (short for Postgres Install Genius) is one...
GitHub - microsoft/documentdb: DocumentDB offers a native implementation of document-oriented NoSQL database, enabling seamless CRUD operations on BSON data types within a PostgreSQL framework. Pow...
DocumentDB: Microsoft Brings More NoSQL to Postgres — Not to be confused with the proprietary Amazon...
Automating Data Summarization in PostgreSQL With Claude
🤖 Automating Data Summarization in Postgres with Claude — Timescale shows how to bring pgvector together with...
Just because you’re getting an index scan, doesn't mean you can’t do better! - pgMustard
Just Because You’re Getting an Index Scan, Doesn't Mean You Can’t Do Better — If you...
GitHub - chartdb/chartdb: Database diagrams editor that allows you to visualize and design your DB with a single query.
ChartDB: Open Source Database Schema Diagram Editor — Create a new schema from scratch or quickly...
DB Fiddle - SQL Database Playground
DB Fiddle: An Online SQL Database Playground — It’s been a couple of years since I...
Replacing Oracle Hints: Best Practices with pg_hint_plan on PostgreSQL
Replacing Oracle Hints: Best Practices with pg_hint_plan — Oracle Database users can use ‘hints’ to guide...
commit_delay for better performance: a PostgreSQL benchmark
commit_delay for Better Performance: A Postgres Benchmark — Laurenz shares benchmark results highlighting the performance wins...
GitHub - cybertec-postgresql/pg_squeeze: A PostgreSQL extension for automatic bloat cleanup
pg_squeeze 1.8: Extension to Automate Table Bloat Cleanup — While not a replacement for vacuuming, this...
InstantDB: A Modern Firebase
A Major Aurora Postgres Upgrade with Zero Downtime — Inspired by an earlier blog post from...