Ruby 3.4 changes
Zverok's Guide to Ruby 3.4's Language Changes — Each year, Victor blesses us with a mammoth...
GitHub - amancevice/yake: A Rake-like DSL for writing AWS Lambda handlers
Yake 1.2: A DSL for Writing AWS Lambda Handlers Rake-Style — It includes the ability to...
GitHub - campsite/campsite: The Campsite monorepo
Campsite: A Large Rails + JavaScript SaaS App Goes 'Source Available' — Campsite is/was a webapp offering...
Staff augmentation
☢️ Tech Debt, Performance or Dev Process Problems in Your App? — Our Application Assessment service...
GitHub - ko1/syntax_finder: Analyze your Ruby scripts with prism
SyntaxFinder: Analyze Your Ruby Scripts with Prism — A new tool being worked on by Ruby...
Superglue 1.0: React ❤️ Rails. A new era of thoughtfulness
Superglue 1.0: A Way to Bring Rails and React Together — Superglue is a library for...
Simplify software with Test Double experts
Back Away from the Backlog 🛑 — Your product doesn’t need bloat. Simplifying drives bigger outcomes,...
Gem::SafeMarshal escape /
Escaping Ruby's Gem:SafeMarshal Sandbox — Gem::SafeMarshal was introduced to RubyGems as a way to ‘safely’ load...
What Is It (in Ruby 3.4)?
What is it (in Ruby 3.4)? — A quick look at one of a minor addition...
Bundler 2.6: Enhanced Security with Built-in Checksum Verification
Why Bundler Checksums Are a Security Game-Changer — As the source of many of our code’s...
RubyConf 2024 Workshop: How To Build Basic Desktop Applications in Ruby by Andy Maleh
▶ How To Build Basic Desktop Applications in Ruby — The recently released recording of a workshop...
YNAB Optimizes Postgres Database Performance and Spend with Crunchy Bridge
Optimize Postgres Performance and Reduce Costs with Crunchy Bridge — YNAB (You Need A Budget) switched...
YJIT 3.4: Even Faster and More Memory-Efficient
YJIT 3.4: Even Faster and More Memory-Efficient — YJIT (Yet Another Ruby JIT) is an optimizing...
Dissecting Puma: Anatomy of a Ruby Web Server
Dissecting Puma: Anatomy of a Ruby Web Server — You might need a few cups of...
New for Ruby 3.4: Modular Garbage Collection and MMTk
Ruby 3.4's Modular Garbage Collection and MMTk — Ruby’s garbage collector has been the subject of...
Ruby Weekly Issue 732: December 28, 2024
💎 The Previous Ruby Weekly, If You Missed It — I wouldn’t normally feature a prior issue,...
Useful things you can do with Rails console
Useful Things You Can Do with the Rails Console — It’s always a good sign when...
A simple trick to understand Ruby’s lazy enumerator
A Simple Trick to Understand Ruby’s Lazy Enumerator — This article employs some simple, effective, and...
How Honeybadger migrated from Sidekiq to Karafka
How Honeybadger Migrated from Sidekiq to Karafka — Honeybadger ran into some limitations with Sidekiq’s Redis...
No PaaS Required? The Developers Guide to Kamal vs PaaS
Can Kamal Really Beat a PaaS? ⚔️ Read the Developer’s Guide — With Rails 8 hot...
GitHub - jeremyevans/ruby-refrigerator: Freeze all core ruby classes
Refrigerator: A Way to Freeze All Core Ruby Classes — Designed to be used in both...
Gem Shop: A Vulnerable Rails 8 App for Security Education
Gem Shop: A Vulnerable Rails 8 App for Security Education — An intentionally vulnerable Rails app...
GitHub - rgrove/sanitize: Ruby HTML and CSS sanitizer.
Sanitize 7.0: Ruby HTML and CSS Sanitizer — A popular, long-standing library that, oddly, we’ve never...
GitHub - yoshoku/rumale: Rumale is a machine learning library in Ruby
Rumale 1.0: A Machine Learning Library for Ruby — Offers a similar interface to Python’s Scikit-Learn...
GitHub - sj26/activerecord-dsql-adapter: Active Record Adapter for AWS Aurora DSQL
Active Record Adapter for AWS Aurora DSQL — The “very beginnings” of an Active Record connection...
Ruby 3.4.0 Released
Ruby 3.4 Released — It wouldn’t be Christmas without a major Ruby release and this year...
Fixed-cost, Monthly Rails Maintenance by
🎄“All I Want for Christmas Is a Boring, Slow, & Steady Rails Upgrade” — Top engineering...
Optimizing Ruby’s JSON, Part 1
Optimizing Ruby’s JSON — The new maintainer of Ruby's json gem decided to focus on performance...
A decent VS Code + Ruby on Rails setup
1. A Decent VS Code Setup for Ruby and Rails Development — A demonstration, if any were...
VSCode + WSL makes Windows awesome for web development
2. 'VSCode + WSL Makes Windows Awesome for Web Development' — Amazingly popular despite being a brief...
How does Sidekiq work? | Mike Perham
4. How Does Sidekiq Work? — Sidekiq remains the most heavily used background job system in the...
Ruby One-Liners Guide
5. A Cookbook of Ruby One-Liners — Ruby is fantastic for one-liners, whether in IRB or from...
Nine Developer Enablement Practices to Achieve DevOps at Enterprise Scale | Datadog
eBook: Best Practices for Enterprise-Scale DevOps — Learn how to improve software quality, lower support costs,...
14 tools every Ruby developer will love for performance and debugging"
14 Tools and Gems Every Ruby Developer Would Love — Fine, it's a bit of a...
Thruster is now open source
37signals' Open Sourced Thruster — Thruster, first seen as part of the Campfire app, is a...
GitHub - wouterken/crystalruby: Embed Crystal code directly in Ruby
CrystalRuby: Embed Crystal Code Directly in Ruby — Crystal is a Ruby inspired programming language that...
GitHub - stepful/cyperful: Interactive system testing UI for capybara
Cyperful: An Interactive System Testing UI for Capybara — One developer’s side project to offer a...
GitHub - jhawthorn/vernier: 📏 next generation CRuby profiler
Vernier: A Next Gen CRuby 3.2+ Profiler — A sampling profiler that can track multiple threads,...
Getting Started with Rails — Ruby on Rails Guides
A Fresh Getting Started with Rails Tutorial — By way of the Rails Foundation, investments have...
Rails Icons 1.0.0 is here
Rails Icons 1.0: Add SVG Icon Libraries to Rails Apps — You can set any one...
Release v1.17.0 / 2024-12-08 · sparklemotion/nokogiri
Nokogiri v1.17.0: The Long Standing XML and HTML Library — As a mature library, Nokogiri doesn’t...
Product for Engineers | Substack
Product for Engineers: A Newsletter Helping Flex Your Product Muscle — Get curated advice on building...
Turbo morphing woes
Turbo Morphing Woes — We all know inventing the ship also invented the shipwreck. Morphing has...
Ruby 3.4.0 rc1 Released
Ruby 3.4.0 Release Candidate 1 Released — Christmas is almost here, and that means the imminent...
Django and Postgres for the Busy Rails Developer
Django and Postgres for the Busy Rails Developer — If even looking at Python is sacrilege...
10 tips from 10 years of Hotwire Native |
10 Tips from 10 Years of Hotwire Native — Admittedly, Hotwire Native only launched a few...
Keeping Rails cool: the modern frontend toolkit—Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
Keeping Rails Cool: The Modern Frontend Toolkit — If you’re like me, building backend apps is...
Fixed-cost, Monthly Rails Maintenance by
💤 Make Rails Upgrades Budget-Friendly & Boringly Reliable — Stuck on Rails 5.2?’s monthly maintenance keeps...
Lightstorm: minimalistic Ruby compiler
Lightstorm: A Minimalistic Ruby Compiler — It’s not every week we get to hear of a...
GitHub - thoughtbot/botcasts: Botcasts is a Hotwire-powered podcast player and Hotwire Essentials is the associated tutorial to learn how build it yourself.
▶ Botcasts: A Do-It-Yourself Hotwire-Powered Podcast Player — This isn’t ready to run, but is the foundation...