Bookmarks (10)

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    Space-Based Solar Power: The Future of 24/7 Clean Energy Generation

    Imagine a field of solar panels floating silently in the endless day of Earth’s orbit. Unlike...

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    Data Centers Consume 3% of Energy in Europe: Understand Geographic Hotspots and How AI Is Reshaping Demand

    The rapid rise of data centers has put many power industry demand forecasters on edge. Some...

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    District Energy Systems: The Invisible Giant of Urban Efficiency

    District energy systems employ a centralized facility to supply heating, cooling, and sometimes electricity for multiple...

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    Why LVOE May Be a Better Decision-Making Tool Than LCOE for Power Companies

    Most POWER readers are probably familiar with levelized cost of energy (LCOE) and levelized value of...

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    How Nuclear Power Could Help Decarbonize Industrial Steam Needs

    Steam is used for a wide variety of critical processes across many industrial sectors. For example,...

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    Hydrogen Use Cases for the Power Industry

    Hydrogen is becoming increasingly important to the electric power generation industry for several reasons. One is...

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    Communication Is Key to Successful Power Projects

    Power plant construction and retrofit projects come in all shapes and sizes, but they all generally...

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    The POWER Podcast

    The POWER Podcast is available through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, YouTube Music, Amazon Music, iHeart, TuneIn,...

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    Kingston Coal Ash Spill: Cleanup Workers Were the Unfortunate Losers

    On Dec. 22, 2008, a major dike failure occurred on the north slopes of the ash...

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    Why Data Center Developers Should Think ‘Power First’

    You don’t need me to tell you how artificial intelligence (AI) is impacting the power grid;...