~reactstatus | Bookmarks (132)
Building a React Login Page Template
Building a React Login Page Template — Discover how to create a seamless React login page...
You don't need Next.js
You Don't Need Next.js — As much as Next.js is considered the React meta-framework of choice,...
3. MistCSS: Build Components with Just CSS — Forget about CSS-in-JS, what about JS-from-CSS? This approach provided...
GitHub - measuredco/puck: The visual editor for React
5. Puck: A Self-Hosted Drag-and-Drop Editor for React — Sitting somewhere between an old-school WYSIWYG-powered CMS and...
React Router SDK Beta
Introducing Authentication Support for React Router — Clerk announces beta support for React Router, including pre-built UI...
How to start a React Project in 2024
1. How to Start a React Project in 2024 — It seems appropriate we started out 2024...
React Summit 2024: Why Use Redux Today?
3. Why Use Redux Today? — The maintainer of the popular Redux state management library gave a...
Enhancing The New York Times Web Performance with React 18
4. Enhancing The New York Times' Web Performance with React 18 — Late in 2023, the team...
GitHub - alan2207/bulletproof-react: 🛡️ ⚛️ A simple, scalable, and powerful architecture for building production ready React applications.
6. Bulletproof React: A Scalable Architecture for Production Apps — A popular opinionated guide to how you...
Functional UI Kit
2. Functional UI Kit: A Unified Figma and React UI Component Kit — Despite many attempts, it...
Introducing Uniffi for React Native: Rust-Powered Turbo Modules – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
Uniffi for React Native: Rust-Powered Turbo Modules — Mozilla and Filament have released a new tool...
React v19 – React
React v19 Released (For Real This Time) — An early Christmas present! First teased in the...
The Complete React Course: Build an e-Commerce App with Hooks, Effects, and More! | Frontend Masters
Complete Intro to React v9: New Project, Modern Stack — Join Brian Holt in building a pizza...
React Tech Stack [2025]
My React Tech Stack for 2025 — After a year of research, building React apps, and...
Next.js 15.1
Next.js 15.1: Now Officially Supporting React 19 — As (almost) the de facto React framework, it’s...
How React Compiler Performs on Real Code
How React Compiler Performs on Real Code — Based on her talk at React Advanced this...
Why we switched to Astro (and why it might interest you)
Why We Switched to Astro (and Why It Might Interest You) — Why did Dato CMS...
Ref Callbacks, React 19 and the Compiler
Ref Callbacks, React 19 and the Compiler — Two years since his first article on callback...
Rockpack 5.0: An Alternative React App Starter — A tool aiming to get React project setup...
React Spinners
React Spinners: A Collection of 'Loading Spinner' Components — A simple approach for loading, progress, and...
How To Improve INP: React⚛️
📉 How To Improve 'Interaction to Next Paint' in React — Interaction to Next Paint (INP) is...
GitHub - hichemfantar/react-bluesky-embed: Embed Bluesky UI into your application like posts, comments, and profiles
🦋 react-bluesky-embed: Embed Bluesky Functionality in Your App — A lot of folks think social microblogging site Bluesky...
Demo | react-verification-input
Verification Input: Customizable, Masked Input Component — Check out the demos on the homepage, but this...
Waitlist mode
Introducing <Waitlist/> Mode - A Virtual Queue for Your App — Waitlist is a new sign-up mode...